Nov 27, 2017
Partnering with the Holy Spirit
By: Pastor Tim Parke
Partnering with the Holy Spirit requires action. The Holy Spirit will speak to us, are you ready to listen? The Holy Spirit will disclose the mysteries of Jesus Christ. This is a recording from our first service Sunday November 26th.
- Nov 27, 2017Partnering with the Holy Spirit
Nov 27, 2017Partnering with the Holy SpiritBy: Pastor Tim ParkePartnering with the Holy Spirit requires action. The Holy Spirit will speak to us, are you ready to listen? The Holy Spirit will disclose the mysteries of Jesus Christ. This is a recording from our first service Sunday November 26th.
- Nov 27, 2017November New Life Nights
Nov 27, 2017November New Life NightsBy: Pastor Tim ParkeWe must be positioned for our miracle to happen. This is a recording of Pastor Tim's message from our New Life Nights in November 2017.
- Nov 21, 2017Please and Thank You
Nov 21, 2017Please and Thank YouBy: Pastor Tim ParkeWhat is our response to God working in our lives? It must be thanks and praise. Learn from Luke 17:11-19 about thankfulness. Sermon from second service Sunday November 19th.
- Nov 6, 2017MONEY
Nov 6, 2017MONEYBy: Pastor Tim ParkeJesus had a lot to say about money. We get so caught up in the tenth, and not being bound to the law. However, Jesus asks us to give everything, take up our cross and follow him. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.Sermon from first service Sunday November 5th.
- Oct 30, 2017Racism
Oct 30, 2017RacismBy: Pastor Tim ParkeIn part two of Pastor Tim's message series we talked about Racism. Racism is a sin and it violates the Great Commandment, the Great Commision, and God's creation.This is a recording of our first service Sunday October 29th.
- Oct 23, 2017SEX
Oct 23, 2017SEXBy: Pastor Tim ParkeWe must break the silence of the church on issues like Sex. God created sex in the garden before sin. Sex predates sin, and God has a great plan for it.Sermon from second service Sunday October 22nd.