Jan 8, 2018
Prayer & Fasting Part 1
By: Pastor Tim Parke
Series: Prayer & Fasting

- Jan 8, 2018Prayer & Fasting Part 1
Jan 8, 2018Prayer & Fasting Part 1By: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Prayer & Fasting
Pastor Tim began our sermon series Prayer and Fasting with Luke 4. Jesus was baptized to show us that salvation is primary and then the Holy Spirit came upon him and filled him. Then the spirit led him into the wilderness to fast. During fasting we draw closer to God. We are not at our weakest, we are at strongest because we are closest to God.This is a recording of our second service from Sunday January 7th, 2018.
- Jan 2, 2018Grace
Jan 2, 2018GraceBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: A Christmas Tradition
Reggie Binns preached on Grace and our need for Grace.This is a recording from our second service Sunday December 31st.
- Dec 18, 2017“Trees” A Christmas Tradition
Dec 18, 2017“Trees” A Christmas TraditionBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: A Christmas Tradition
Just like the ever green Christmas Tree's that we use to celebrate Christmas. Christmas Tree's remind us of God's everlasting love for us. This is a recording of Pastor Tim's sermon from second service Sunday December 17th.
- Dec 12, 2017Candy Canes A Christmas Tradition
Dec 12, 2017Candy Canes A Christmas TraditionBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: A Christmas Tradition
Candy Canes are symbolic this time of the year. What's most important about the Candy Cane is the stripes. We must put the blood on it.This is a recording of our second service message from Sunday December 10th.
- Dec 4, 2017“Carols” A Christmas Tradition
Dec 4, 2017“Carols” A Christmas TraditionBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: A Christmas Tradition
This Sunday pastor Tim started a brand new series called A Christmas Tradition. This Sunday we took a look at the Christmas tradition of caroling. Will we like the angels sing the praises of our king? Because good news produces great praise.This is a sermon recording of our 11am worship service Sunday December 3rd.
- Nov 27, 2017Partnering with the Holy Spirit
Nov 27, 2017Partnering with the Holy SpiritBy: Pastor Tim ParkePartnering with the Holy Spirit requires action. The Holy Spirit will speak to us, are you ready to listen? The Holy Spirit will disclose the mysteries of Jesus Christ. This is a recording from our first service Sunday November 26th.
- Nov 27, 2017November New Life Nights
Nov 27, 2017November New Life NightsBy: Pastor Tim ParkeWe must be positioned for our miracle to happen. This is a recording of Pastor Tim's message from our New Life Nights in November 2017.
- Nov 21, 2017Please and Thank You
Nov 21, 2017Please and Thank YouBy: Pastor Tim ParkeWhat is our response to God working in our lives? It must be thanks and praise. Learn from Luke 17:11-19 about thankfulness. Sermon from second service Sunday November 19th.
- Nov 6, 2017MONEY
Nov 6, 2017MONEYBy: Pastor Tim ParkeJesus had a lot to say about money. We get so caught up in the tenth, and not being bound to the law. However, Jesus asks us to give everything, take up our cross and follow him. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.Sermon from first service Sunday November 5th.
- Oct 30, 2017Racism
Oct 30, 2017RacismBy: Pastor Tim ParkeIn part two of Pastor Tim's message series we talked about Racism. Racism is a sin and it violates the Great Commandment, the Great Commision, and God's creation.This is a recording of our first service Sunday October 29th.
- Oct 23, 2017SEX
Oct 23, 2017SEXBy: Pastor Tim ParkeWe must break the silence of the church on issues like Sex. God created sex in the garden before sin. Sex predates sin, and God has a great plan for it.Sermon from second service Sunday October 22nd.
- Oct 16, 2017Great Expectation
Oct 16, 2017Great ExpectationBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Through the Veil
What do we do when we have unmet expectations of God? We experience doubt and God is big enough to handle our doubts.Sermon from first service Sunday October 15th.
- Oct 9, 2017Who Are You?
Oct 9, 2017Who Are You?By: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Through the Veil
If you're not heavenly positioned your earthly position won't matter. Sermon from second service Sunday October 8th.
- Oct 3, 2017Getting Your Edge Back Finding What You’ve Lost
Oct 3, 2017Getting Your Edge Back Finding What You’ve LostBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Through the Veil
Sermon from second service Sunday October 1st.
- Sep 25, 2017Jesus is ______.
Sep 25, 2017Jesus is ______.By: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Through the VeilWhen we understand who Jesus is, it changes everything about us.Sermon from second service Sunday September 24th.
- Sep 18, 2017The Ark of The Covenant
Sep 18, 2017The Ark of The CovenantBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Through the Veil
We cannot casually handle the presence of God. When God moves you must be ready to move with it. In the Old Testament God could not reside within men so He dwelt with them. Now God's presence resides in us.Sermon from second service Sunday September 17th.
- Sep 11, 2017The Altar of Incense
Sep 11, 2017The Altar of IncenseBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Through the VeilBefore we encounter the presence of God there must be a sacrifice. The Incense had no scent until it was met by the coals from the altar of sacrifice. We cannot enter into the presence of God without sacrifice.Sermon from second service Sunday September 10th.
- Sep 5, 2017The Table of Showbread
Sep 5, 2017The Table of ShowbreadBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Through the VeilIn Exodus 25:23-30 we first see the mention of a table in the Bible. In Genesis, fellowship with God had been broken by sin and now God commands Moses to build a table. He is going to invite man over to His house for dinner. God is beginning the process of restoring fellowship. That's all God has ever wanted from you. Many of us have thought that God just wants to punish me, he just wants to control me, it's all about thou shalt do's and thou shall nots when all He's ever wanted was relationship.This is the sermon from our second service Sunday September 3rd.
- Aug 28, 2017The Lampstand
Aug 28, 2017The LampstandBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Through the Veil
Our fruit is foundational to experiencing the presence of God in our lives. When we are connected to the true vine (Jesus) we produce spiritual fruit.Sermon from second service Sunday August 27th.
- Aug 21, 2017The Laver
Aug 21, 2017The LaverBy: Pastor Tim ParkeSeries: Through the Veil
The Lord wants us to be made clean, by the purifying of ourselves in His word. So that when we come into worship we can lift up holy hands.This is a recording from our second service Sunday August 20th.